First years of the activity
of Franciscan Education Centre
We are pleased that our "Education Centre" started its activity in January 2008. The lessons begin at 8.00, and end at 15.00. Due to long distance, every day some children are delivered to school by an old bus. They get the basic knowledge, they learn English, religion, and so on. They also receive two meals a day: first at 10.00 - tea with rolls or biscuit and second at 13.00 - the lunch. Every month pupils are given tests to check the progress of their learning - so Franciscan missionaries tell about their education project.
Since the primary school building is ready, now 350 pupils can attend it. The school is considered to be one of the best primary schools in Dar es Salaam. Most of the subjects are taught in English, though there is a Swahili language. After the pupils finish their lessons at 15.00, those who live near go back home on foot. Those who are far are taken by bus. This transport is important especially for the youngest children attending school.
On 27 July 2013 archbishop Francisco Montecillo Padilla, the apostolic nuncio to Tanzania, blessed the building of St. Maximilian secondary school. The first group of pupils could start attending the secondary school in January 2014. There are 3 profiles in the school: computer science, general and physics-chemistry.
The main aim of the Centre is to give education for many children, especially those who come from poor families. Therefore, the Conventual Franciscan Friars requests the people of good will and the mission friends to assist financially in constructing the school. We thank God for those who are supporting us with their prayers and material help.