Tanzanian mission - gallery of movies and photos
Flash-video movies from Tanzania, located in Youtube service
- End of the school year in Dar
es Salaam (1-2012) - Tanzanian
kids dancing and singing - Franciscan school in Dar es
Salaam gives an opportunity
to achieve a good education - Visiting the nursery school:
first steps of the youngest pupils
in achieving an education - St. Maximilian Education Centre
- Franciscan school complex,
constructed and opened in 2008
- End of the school year in Dar
es Salaam (2-2012) - Tanzanian
kids dancing and singing - The beginnings of the Franciscan
mission in Tanzania (1988) on
the photos and movies - Friary in Mwanga (Light):
first Franciscans' missionary
steps in Tanzania (since 1988) - Father Peter Bujnowski talks
about his missionary work in
Africa (Kenya and Tanzania)
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