Tanzanian mission - gallery of movies and photos
The photos, gathered here, were taken since 2003 till 2014 (488/nov-2014)
- 2013/14: 25 Years of the Order’s Presence in Tanzania
- 2013 - 2nd Custodial Ordinary
Chapter in Tanzania - 2011 - City of Dar es Salaam
and its surroundings - 2010 - Blessing of the primary
school of St. Maximilian - 2009 - Inauguration of the
Custody of St. Maximilian - 2008/09 - Dar es Salaam, first
years of the Education Centre - 2003/04 - Mwanga and other
locations - mission pictures
- 2013 - First religious vows of
11 friars in Arusha - 2013 - Secondary school of
St. Maximilian Kolbe (inaugur.) - 2011-2012 - People, animals
and landscapes of Tanzania - 2010 - The cross' peregrination
to the sanctuary in Mwanga - 2009 - Visiting the Maasai
village in Tanzania - 2009 - Dar es Salaam: African
Child Day of Sport - 2006 - Franciscan Formation
House in Morogoro
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