St. Joseph of Cupertino and bl. John Duns Scotus
friary in Morogoro - the address:
Franciscan Formation House
P.O. Box 932, MOROGORO, Tanzania
Morogoro - is a city (about 250 000 inhabitants) located in the eastern part of Tanzania, at the foot of Uluguru mountains. It's a capital of a diocese of Morogoro and seat of about 40 houses of various orders.
The Franciscan friary in Morogoro was opened in December 2006. Since 2010 till 2012 in Morogoro there was a seat of The Messenger of Mary Immaculate (Marian magazine, issued every three months in swahili language). In 2011, after purchasing some machines (such as digital copiers or stitch) in Morogoro there was established a small Franciscan print shop, which allows to prepare short-run religious materials.
In Summer 2012, after transferring Shujaa do Dar es Salaam, the house became a postulancy house in Morogoro. In addition, the Franciscans from Morogoro provide an apostolic work as confessors of nuns and clerics; they also provide assistance in conducting days of retreat in the nearby religious houses.
Friars working in Morogoro:
fr. Laurian Gaspar Lasway - superior, postulants master, assistant for Militia Immaculata
fr. Yeromini Miku Peter Munishi - custodial vicar, vocation director
Missionary Prayer:
Father of all, you sent your Son to carry out your mission of redeeming the world. Let the light of your Gospel of love so shine in the world that it may be transformed into a worthy home for all your children of
every race and country. Bless all missionaries throughout the world that their work may bear fruit. Together with them, may we too share in the missionary work of the whole Church that your Kingdom of justice,
love and peace may come in all hearts and in all nations. We make our prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.