Dar es Salaam (Segerea)
St. Maximilian friary in Dar es Salaam - the address:
Conventual Franciscan Friars
P.O. Box 78274, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania
Email: Dar es Salaam (custody) e-mail
Dar es Salaam (which in Arabic means Harbour of Peace) - is the biggest city in Tanzania (about 3 mln inhabitants) and a capital of the archdiocese. One of the motivations for running a new house here was a Franciscan thanksgiving to God for The Jubilee Year 2000. The house and parish are located in the administrative district Ilala (Segerea ward), not far from the international airport (Julius Nyerere International Airport).
The Friars continue to develop a Franciscan charism throughout the Church of Tanzania. In January 2008 they opened St. Maximilian Education Centre - school complex, constructed in collaboration with the Caritas Antoniana of Padua. It which gives a chance to gain education for many children, especially those who come from poor families in Africa.
On 27 August 2005, the first ordination of two Tanzanians, fr. Francis Mumburi and fr. Josaphat Mmbaga took place in Dar es Salaam in the presence of many guests from Poland, Kenya, Uganda and also local guests.
Dar es Salaam: Holy Mass with the sacrament of baptism
A new parish church has been built (2005-2010) thanks to the generosity of the parishioners and benefactors. In October 2010 it was consecrated by card. Policarp Pengo, archbishop of Dar es Salaam. The parish also has four outstations, located in Bonyokwa, Kinyerezi (St. Bonaventure Parish), Mongolandege (St. Clare Parish) and Kifuru.
Missionaries working in Dar es Salaam:
fr. Josaphat John Mmbaga – superior, assistant, parish priest in Segerea (Parish of the Holy Spirit)
fr. Krzysztof Cieślikiewicz – custos of St. Maximilian's Custody, also a teacher in Segerea Senior Seminary
fr. Grzegorz Bykowski – exactor of the custody, parish priest in Mongolandege (St. Clare Parish)
fr. Evarist Valentine Mkenda – custodial assistant and secretary, parish priest in Kinyerezi (St. Bonaventure Parish)
fr. Dominik Wasilewski
fr. Mieczysław Bednarczyk – responsible for Tanzanian edition of The Messenger of Mary Immaculate (in swahili language: Shujaa wa Imakulata)
fr. Ryszard Bednarz
fr. Valence Kisaka – priest in Parish of the Holy Spirit (Segerea)